Community Film Projects
We teach filmmaking and co-design film projects that allow you and your community tell the stories that are important to you.




Interactive workshops
A menu of fun, interactive filmmaking challenges for all ages and abilities.
(3 hrs - 3 days)







Challenge - engage people with the film archive library (Moving Image Archive) and inspire people to make films.
We integrated archive footage with drama sequences developed by young people using live green screen technology brining new life to the footage.
Making green screen film with my friends was brilliant, I would love to make more films and do it again.
Rowen Cheskin, Participant

Challenge - create a community generated film festival. We developed 3 strands to accommodate this. A Family Film Fun Day, a Weekend Film Challenge (16 -21yrs) and ‘Bearsden Stories’ working with older people within the community.
This lead to a red carpet film event.
It was a fabulous experience for us all as a family and the day was well organised, managed and expertly run. We have since used the skills we learned in other things and so are able to pass on our new knowledge to others in the community.
Alex Macallum, Participant

Challenge - establish a means for all students to develop and make rich digital content including short films. We developed a 3 stage plan. Purchase flexible mobile phone kits for the students, develop a mini film school, create and host online learning resources as a ongoing learning resource.
I can say without hesitation that the technical and creative accomplishment of this work was noticeably enhanced through Felix’s work.
Marc Silberschatz,
Head of Classical
and Contemporary Text